Let us suppose (don’t forget that thanks to Chinese bonuses, TCs find sheep straightaway and support 10pop) that starting 3 vills build a House and return under the TC to take food from sheep, with the 4th vill and the vill the TC would spawn from your starting 50Food.
Then you research Loom.
Do 5 vills gather 50 Food in 25 seconds?
You standard start (2 vills build one house, 1 vill the other) and return to sheep (by then you’d have 6 vills under the TC taking food from sheep).
You research Loom.
Can they gather 50 food in 25 seconds?
Third option. 3 vills build one house each of them, so you’d have the 7 vills (a bit later, but 7), to gather 50 Food while researching Loom.
In any case, this change reduces TC idle time.
Very good for us low ELO.
Too good for pro players