Fishing Boats in African Harbor

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    It appears that the use of fishing ships to gather shore fish is not a beneficial investment for a generic civilization in the early game.

    Though a fishing ship costs 150 gold and 75 wood, the extra economic units that are gained are not worth the cost.

    However, for the Malay civilization, the use of fish traps may be a more wood-efficient option, even if it is not population-efficient.

    What do you think?


    I wouldn’t bet on it.

    You could do it but dont forget that fish traps are very weak.

    Building a dock in your TC pond is a no go and if built in a far pond you would have to build a preemptive galley to protect it and even so a little bit of micro from 5 archers could destroy them (5 archers need 3-4 shots to destroy one fish trap – 66w).

    Also, in African clearing there’s plenty of food, the best play would be to hunt/fish and then build your farms around the TC after horse collar, I don’t see a build where could be competitive to build fish traps to be honest.

    That being said, if you are low elo it would be a good play to build in an isolated pond and pray for the opponent not to explore, maybe using your extra food to keep him in defensive.


    Definitely worth it, if you can defend them with your TC.

    Now the big question is *when* is it worth it?


    Don’t know whether it’s worth it, but it sure is fun to attempt 🙂

    Sometimes you have ponds that merge together where you can get 8 Fish.

    These can give a really good amount of Food over time from Fishing Ships.

    And you can make Fish Traps when the Fish are taken.

    The problem is that Docks here are very difficult to defend.

    Any ranged land unit or Tower can pretty easily deny your fish.


    Japanese should collect very fast from them so it might be wirth as well.


    You have to be sure the pond is not too small, or fishing ships could have trouble fishing.


    I tried it.

    Didnt work for me.

    Food income is just too slow to be useful for my teamates.

    Maybe with good fish trap managment it might be decent

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