Falling Behind in Groups?

  • This topic has 6 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by IandaConqueror.
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  • #13297

    Whenever I play a strategy game with teams, I find myself struggling to keep up with my teammates and opponents in the late stages of the game.

    I’m able to keep up with the progress of advancing, but by the time we reach the post-imperial stage, the other players seem to have massive armies of paladins and other units, while I’m always running short on gold and wood.

    I do use trade carts and cogs, but I’m not sure if I’m using them to the best of my advantage.

    Does anyone have any advice on how I can improve?


    Sounds like you’re making trade too early.

    What maps do you typically play?


    Yeah you’re making trade too early.

    You’re setting yourself up for late game strength.

    That investment costs you late castle to early imp strength.

    Your opponents aren’t thinking about late game.

    They’re thinking about ending the game before then.

    Adding trade is one of those things that costs you a lot before it starts benefitting you.

    Expanding your eco and taking gold piles spread out on the map is much more efficient than trading.


    It’s hard to say for sure without seeing how you’re playing it.

    If you really want an on point answer, you should try sharing a recording of a game in which you felt like you were doing a good job with your eco but fell behind anyway.

    That would make it a lot easier to give a relevant answer.


    If youre a flank player its usually normal to be behind compared to pocket players.


    Honestly I am surprised that you end up short on wood.

    I mean, it can depend of the map but still.

    You sure you are making enough villagers?

    Also grabbing any relics?

    Without seeing the match nobody can really give you a definitive answer.

    You yourself are in a best position to watch the replay and see what you are doing differently from other players.


    Maybe your not booming as well?

    Check their villager counts and resources collected, how many TCs they built.

    If they are reach Imp at the same time as you but with a lot more invested into eco, they can afford big armies lots of expensive upgrades, and to start trade as well.

    You should get up to 130-140 villagers every game by like 32-35 minutes as a general rule.

    Depending on the map you may want to start trade before you hit 200 pop, but on a lot of maps you don’t really need to worry about it until then.

    You should have like 40 woodchoppers at this point in the game so you can make plenty of production buildings and trade carts.

    As you get trade going you can start killing off wood villagers, and gold villagers as the mines run out, so you are down to 100 villager and 30-40 carts.

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