Exiting Players from Games

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  • #15120

    Why do some players choose to abandon a game after it has already begun?

    What could possibly be the reason for this behavior?

    Is it because of technical issues, rude behavior from other players, or something else entirely?

    I recently experienced two games in a row ending prematurely due to people leaving, and I was even penalized with a queue penalty for “early leaving” when I chose to depart after another player had already done so.

    Needless to say, I am quite frustrated with this situation.


    Since last update, it’s mostly due to crashes.

    They are getting temporally banned as well.

    No one actually leaves but everyone is banned for leaving.

    Be careful as you can get banned for stupid amounts of time (20+ hours) if you left some incomplete gamed and you happen to crash yourself or whatever other issue.


    Disappointed to hear the crashing is still happening and assuming this will flow into the weekend at this rate.


    I’m a person who has a horrible time crashing in 90% of matches.

    I’m trying everything to limit the problem but it’s out of my control.

    I’ve now taken a break until the game is fixed


    I think lots of people are complaining about crashes/desyncs after the most recent patch.

    Is this a new pattern you’re noticing?

    Another common reason is that people don’t like the map in a ranked game and force quit the game instead of playing a map they don’t enjoy.


    Either a crash or it’s a map they didn’t want to play and the game forced them to


    If it happens before the match or right after the 5 minute mark then it’s probably a map dodger.

    If it’s after 10 minutes, probably a crash since those are fairly common at the moment for some people.

    If it’s a TG, maybe they saw 2 enemy units attacking a house and freaked out.


    Last one said he was being called right after the first minute so I guess dinner was ready.

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