Enjoyment During Game Initialization

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  • #6026

    You might not have noticed, but you can move your cursor around to get rid of the floating ashes that appear while the match is loading.

    The screen with the 3 kings will appear soon.

    Have fun!


    11 that’s lovely!

    It’s like pushing cars in the street with your hand from your window!

    Edit: I thought you meant in an imaginary way.

    I just tested in game and ember does bounce off your cursor.


    And for the rest of us who use potato laptops to play, there’s the No Embers mod to get rid of this.

    (Seriously though, if you have poor specs, getting rid of the embers can give a big bump in performance – for some reason this effect consumes a lot of system resources.

    Must be some next level particle physics going on.)


    What the heck.

    I’ll give it a go tomorrow.


    I have my load screen weight time while I wait.

    Just some light 15lbs to keep the blood flowing.

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