Enemy Spy Lurking Close to My Pig

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  • #10980

    Hello all, this doesn’t occur very often, but when my adversary positions their scout near one of my boars, it almost always leads to the loss of my village.

    When I go to get the boar, the scout appears as soon as I shoot it, making it impossible to escape the boar’s aggression and the enemy scout.

    Does anyone have any tips or advice?

    I’ve observed experienced players luring boars, and no one ever looks beyond the boar in the dark before shooting it, so I’m guessing this is just an unlucky situation where I got lamed?


    You don’t see it much at high level because it puts your scout in harms way for a low chance at a kill.

    Losing your scout in the dark age is not worth a villager.

    Punish it by using your own scout to fight/block or try to de-agro the boar with a pallisade or house.

    If you take some of their scout’s HP and don’t lose a vill the lameboi is behind.


    Take the boar earlier and take the forward boar first to reduce the chance of this happening.

    You can pull a couple villagers from under the TC to bodyblock the boar and the scout.

    You only have to get the wounded vil within range of the TC before the scout either turns around or eats a barrage of arrows.


    sounds like you are not using your scout properly.

    Yo dont see it too much at pro games because its a waste of scouting time


    If you know the scout is guarding the boar, go forward to the boar with 2 vills.

    If the scout approaches, attack/block/distract him with 1 vill while luring the boar to the tc with the other.

    I did that recently and it worked out fine.


    It may not work 100% of the time but you need to spam click your vil when being blocked.

    The faster you click, the more likely you are to get pathing priority and move past the scout to avoid a block.

    Also can work when trying to maneuver vils away from militia/MAA.

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