-end Elo, Weekend Becomes Week-End

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  • #6887

    I worked really hard to increase my score up to 1050 over the weekend.

    However, when I kept playing on Monday because of Martin Luther King Jr.

    Day, I ended up losing a lot of my points and my score dropped to 900.

    It seems like the players during the weekdays are much more challenging!


    Is this based on 1 observation?

    If so, then this can also be a normal variance in your rating.

    Nothing to worry about.


    Week day players, if they can play during the week, can play more often.

    That means experience and thus higher level


    I think its more that one plays worse after work due to tiredness


    I think someone else already made the point but the European scene is generally stronger and therefore it’s harder to climb during the peak times there.


    I can easily lose around 100 elo in a sesh and it’s not about opponents.

    at Mid to Low elo, players are just very inconsistent and you can have a bad day or bad strats in your mind.

    On a good day you are more likely to repeat your victories.

    However, im not saying your observations are incorrect, there actually is a fluctuation of quality over days, i don’t think it’s the key factor though.


    At 1200 there is such a variation in ability.

    My last game it was like playing the viper, multi scout groups on my resources, and he anticipated my archer surprise on his woodline and already had skirms there.

    The game before i wololod his malay elephants before they broke my palisade gate and then he didnt see my sneaky scout rush on his wood.

    I think its a combination of different skill levels and the snowbally nature of the game.


    Big brain time: If you want to play over an American holiday weekend, play in the evening so that all the hardcore German weekday players are asleep.

    I played at like 9PM EST and I could win by just bum rushing the other player with 2h swordsmen.


    way to ruin my excitement over gaining 100+ elo over the weekend


    ive had sequences where i would drop 300 elo and regain it in 3 days.

    i think people overestimate how accurate elo is short term.


    The elos are kinda ranges and not absolute values.

    The lower you go in elo the bigger is going to be your range.

    Players at lower elos do have a game out of the blue where everything falls into place in one game itself and they can give you a pasting with massive armies which they themselves are not used to in early game.

    So, its a good idea to not consider it a point elo but a range elo.

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