Dravidians Versus Teutons Just Had an Incredible Contest

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  • #15709

    I recently had an intense match against a Dravidian player that lasted for an hour.

    Despite being overwhelmed, I managed to send a small force of Archer Elephants and Urumi Swords into my opponent’s base while he was attacking my base with his Teutonic Knights.

    I was left with only one castle and some other buildings, but my marketplace remained intact, allowing me to gather enough resources to produce a steady stream of Urumi Swords which proved to be very effective against his Knights.

    My opponent eventually conceded defeat after his last Knight was defeated and congratulated me on destroying his economy with my force.

    I was so excited after that match that I had to share it with everyone.

    I really love this game since I first played it on Xbox at launch, and I have to say that Urumi Swords are really powerful!



    I think it was Viper, or maybe T90, who recently said that Urumi’s are way too cheap for how good they are.

    Great job hanging on!

    Those base-trade situations are always so stressful, haha.


    Urumi into TK…I wonder if the Teutons player knows


    First of all, F* *K YOUto think we don’t care.

    This is the aoe2 subreddit, we love and care about the game and such stories.

    We love hearing about intense games and new strategy and comeback stories.

    Secondly, go and play more and keep us updated.


    I just had an hour long against Tatars as Britons on acclivity 1430elo.

    was winning until about 45-50 min and then I just made bad decisions and lost…

    felt bad.

    I don’t usually play archer civs and am trying to get better with them.

    Even tho I lost it was still a great game for experience and taught me that I shouldn’t have slowed my treb push to switch into cav since he went skrims from cav archers.

    I tried switching to cavalier but took too long and cost too much resources as if I just made more FU arbs I probably would have won.

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