Does Anyone Know Any Build Orders for a Ballista Elephant Rush on Hideout?

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  • #7692

    Does anyone know of any strategies for quickly deploying a Ballista Elephant on Hideout?


    I recently did a FC unique unit BO with this idea.

    The only issue is – as u/ponuno says – you need a mass of them.

    I just made 2 to cut through and made knights while they were cutting.

    Cheaper and probably more effective?


    Do you think it could work?

    You need mass of ballista elephants to them to be Effective.

    So rushing with them is not really viable.


    Well please don’t, I don’t want to play against that 🙄


    Instead of BE, which requires time to build a castle and produce slowly, try a Malay elephant rush from stables?

    Super deadly.

    T90 has videos on this called – Legend of the Liar


    That shouldn’t work.

    Ballista elephants are bad in low numbers.

    Your opponent will just go monks and your dead.

    If you want to play ballista elephant go 23+0 3 tc boom and 2 more tcs when you get the chance.

    Get around 60 farmers and 3 to 4 castles.

    Defend with whatever you need in castle age.

    Usually scorpians or monks.

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