Does Anyone Have the Game of Thrones DLC?

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  • #14332

    A Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire-inspired downloadable content (DLC) could be a great way for fans of the series to get more of their beloved pop culture content.

    The DLC could feature nine new factions/civilizations, each with its own unique units, wonders, and abilities.

    The Northerns (Stark) would have infantry and archers, with their unique units being the northern raider (an infantry unit with special defense against conversion) and neck archer (an archer unit with special defense against other archers).

    Their wonder would be Winterfell.

    The Westerlings (Lannister) would have infantry and cavalry, with their unique unit being the Scarlet knight (a cavalry unit that generates gold with each kill).

    Their wonder would be Casterly Rock.

    The Stormlanders (Baratheon) would have infantry and ships, with their unique unit being the Maul knight (an infantry unit who ignores armors).

    Their wonder would be Storm’s End.

    The Ironborns (Greyjoy) would have ships and archers, with their unique unit being the Kraken ship (a ship with bonus damage against buildings).

    Their wonder would be Pike.

    The Dornish (Martell) would have spear and cavalry, with their unique unit being the dornish spear cavalry (a spear charging cavalry).

    Their wonder would be Sunspear.

    The Valemen (Arryn) would have infantry and cavalry, with their unique units being the eyeire knight (a heavy knight that can made damage while charging) and the banner knight (an infantry unit with special armor against archers).

    Their wonder would be Eyrie.

    The Riverlanders (Tully) would have archers, with their unique unit being the trout archer (an archer unit with bonus damage against ships).

    Their wonder would be Riverrun.

    The Reachmen (Tyrell) would have cavalry and trade, with their unique unit being TBA.

    Their wonder would be Highgarden.

    Lastly, the Valyrians (Targaryen) would have monk and infantry, with their unique units being the ruby knight (a heavy infantry) and the pyromancer.

    Their wonder would be the Red Keep.


    As a mod or custom scenario (there are some already), sure.

    As a DLC, nope.


    Yucka pucka.


    I think this idea is few years too late at this point.

    Not exactly relevant at this point.

    Anyway would be interesting and maybe even exists already as custom mod.

    I do find it silly that listed wonders are cities, imagine if there was campaign with a mission to defend Winterfell where you have to make a Wonder.


    Absolutely not, although I’m sure there’s a mod for it

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