Does Age of Empires II on Xbox Have the Same Resource Cheats as the Original Game?

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    I haven’t touched the game since the PC version was released in the early 2000’s, but I recall it had access to resource cheats.

    Does the latest Xbox version have this same feature?


    Yes, all the original cheats (and a lot of new ones) are available on the Xbox version.


    Trying to play skirmish against the AI how can you change your civilization it only gives me the random option


    How do I give resources/give tribute to a buddy I’m allies with.?


    On the William.

    Wallace tutorial mission on the series X it moves the screen to say soldiers have arrived.

    Removes the village from the map and asks you to draw a Line by holding A around invisible troops which you can’t do as they are not visible.

    They are there in the map in blue but the screen itself is empty, just landscape, nit even a Bush.

    Non passable glitch so I quit.

    Have others found similar glitches?


    I cannot use the summoning cheats, whenever the game tells me to click LB to use it, it opens a regular menu.

    It only worked the first time but then it never did after.

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