Do People Play Mac Mini?

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  • #11860

    Hello everyone!

    I’ve been a PC user since I was 8 and I’ve been playing this great game since it came out.

    Now I have the chance to get a Mac Mini through work.

    I know AoE2DE can be played on Mac with some workarounds, but some old posts have mentioned problems with multiplayer.

    I play on the ranked ladder a few times a week and any lag or stuttering would be a huge issue for me.

    Does anyone have any recent experience with playing on the ranked ladder on a Mac?


    No issues with crossover for multiplayer


    I use one.

    It’s not super optimal but unless you are really keen on pristine micro and grinding out high elo wins you’ll be fine


    I play on MacBook.

    Aside from a few very occasional crashes, multiplayer usually runs fine for me.


    Got it going on my m1 mba.

    It ran fine, laptop got a pretty warm.

    My biggest issue was going from a banging desktop setup to a tiny laptop setup, and I didn’t enjoy it as much.

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