Do Not Hesitate to Enhance or Combine Troops in an Unconventional Way.

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  • #23665

    Two important factors that are often neglected in discussions are the tradeoff between upgrades and the marginal cost to incorporate units.

    Both are crucial from a civilization design perspective and relevant in-game situations.

    For instance, choosing between two conflicting upgrade options like 2hs+drushina and champ+blast furnace requires weighing the cost-benefit ratio and contextual variables.

    Similarly, mixing units like mamelukes and heavy camels can lead to better outcomes for little marginal cost.

    The key is to strike a balance between going for the fully upgraded version and a combination of cheaper options that offer marginal gains.

    Mixing units requires careful calculations, separate control groups, and practice, but overall it can be a useful tactic to reduce costs and smooth out transitions.

    From a civ design perspective, overlooking the marginal cost can lead to unintended consequences and balance issues.


    I like the hammer and screwdriver comparison 11


    >Starting with the first item (upgrade tradeoffs) let’s take slavs.

    If I give you the choice between 2hs + druzhina or champ + blast furnace which one would you take?

    What about halb + blast furnace vs pike + druzhina?

    How is it context dependent?

    Slavs have been out for like 10 years and everyone loves ripping on the civ so you’d think this would be common knowledge that pops up every time the civ gets discussed.

    Certainly in preparation for what seems to be an infantry buff I’d imagine people want to talk about it.

    druzhina adds 5 damage, champ adds 1 and bf adds 5, and you get +10 hp.

    The 2hs easily.

    halb over pike, even with druzhina.

    If you need to deal with enemy pikes which is when the druzhina does the most work well mix in some 2hs or something.


    Always get elite cataphract first

    Then logistica

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