Do I Need to Buy the Definitive Edition of Age of Empires II Separately or Is It an Upgrade?

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    I already own the original Age of Empires II game, but I am interested in getting the Definitive Edition.

    Do I need to purchase the full game again or is the Definitive Edition considered an upgrade of the base game?


    ‘DE’ is a stand alone version of the game, separate from the ‘HD’ addition.

    Yes youll have to buy it again, but imho it IS very worth it


    If you own the HD Edition you can purchase a bundle to get a discount on DE.


    Its “another game”


    DE also goes on sale for around 5USD pretty often.


    You need to buy definitive edition, if you don’t want to spend too much cash then wait for it to go on a holiday sale and then you can get the game for 5$ and expansions for 5$.

    Trust me the game is awesome, the new ai is much more challenging and realistic, the control groups and global queue make so you don’t need to jump around the map and there’s 4 new civs in base de (7 more in expansions).

    Also de constantly gets changes and events.

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