Do Civilizations Have Less Balance on Closed Maps?

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    In my opinion, certain maps such as Black Forest or Yucatan, as well as various randomly generated maps, primarily rely on which civilization has a more favorable endgame lineup.

    Bonuses at the beginning of the game are not particularly significant, and civilizations lacking overpowered unique units tend to appear weak.


    > I feel like on maps like Black Forest, Yucatan, as well as many MegaRandom generations, the game is mostly decided on whose civ has better endgame composition.

    All those 3 maps can have very strong early aggression.

    Forcing the enemy to constantly wall with a couple of militia breaking their early palisades and wall houses in BF is also really annoying.

    Some of the strongest early infantry aggression happens in Yucatan due to the insane early food.

    Just not scout/archer rush.

    Thats the difference.

    > Early-game bonuses don’t matter and civs that don’t have disgusting OP unique units feel very weak.

    Considering that the complete opposite happens in arabia where anyone that cant poop out scouts/archers at the speed of light is practically a throw pick, I fail to see how arena and a couple of closer maps having a meta is bad, specially when its less hegemonic that in arabia.


    I mean generally speaking different civs are popular and strong on different maps.

    Arguably, closed maps have much more civs that are viable as reaching imp isn’t hard.

    You can really catch opponents off guard with a well timed rush on said maps as well.


    The civs are balanced for Arabia.

    Sometimes to a much lesser extent Arena (Bohemians got nerfed here).

    And yes, who is good changes drastically if all the early aggression knockouts are off the table.



    since its impossible to balance them for *all* maps, it makes sense to focus on the de facto main map in the game.


    No not really.

    On closed maps you just need to play them differently.


    Yes they are.

    But nobody plays perfectly so there is always room to outsmart your opponent.

    If you get bohemians vs huns on arena vs viper, you’re still gonna lose


    They’re not less balanced, but the meta is a little different.

    The same is true of water maps.

    That’s kind of the whole point of different maps, is so that we see different civs shine with their different strengths.

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