? Do Certain Mods Affect Computer Performance Negatively?

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  • #14742

    Is it possible that the mods I have installed are causing my computer to become sluggish while I’m playing games?

    I don’t have an excessive amount of mods, yet my computer still experiences lagging, so I’m wondering if this could be a contributing factor.


    Could be a mod, yeah.

    Could be other things aswell tho.

    Do you have any “heavy” mods installed?

    Malwarebytes also causes lag, in case you have that installed


    it definately COULD be the cause, i know at the very least there was a problem with the mangonel range mod some people used, if you ended up with more than ~10 on the screen at once your game would turn into a slideshow.

    Im sure there are more but if they are graphical mods the lag should coincide with the “modded item” being on the screen

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