Did Anyone Find Some of the Campaigns Surprisingly Difficult?

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    As a 1300 elo player, I expected the campaigns to be fairly easy.

    However, when I started the Cuman missions on hard difficulty, I found some of them extremely challenging and had to restart multiple times to complete them.

    The campaign-specific achievements were even harder.

    I don’t think the difficulty should be changed, but I didn’t expect to struggle so much when I moved from playing ranked matches to playing campaigns.

    I would like to know other people’s opinions on this.


    That’s part of the beauty of campaings.

    You can treat them a bit as a puzzle that when you fail, you can reflect on what went wrong and then try again with other approach and finally succeed.

    I find it a very rewarding experience.

    I wish some of them were more difficult.


    Some campaigns are more difficult than others and some of the Cuman campaigns are among the most difficult in the game, so your experience is not surprising.

    Even Viper didn’t succeed at the second Cuman mission the first time he tried.

    That being said, as a 1300 you should be able to beat all campaigns, though you shouldn’t expect to beat all at the first try.


    It’s normal to take more than one attempt because you don’t know what to expect from specific scenarios.

    Take Pachacuti 2 (The Field of Blood) and Saladin 6 (The Lion and the Demon) for example.

    In the former you feel like you should be more offensive, at least try to keep the allies alive, while for the latter you are pressured to defend.

    However, it’s much easier if you do the opposite.


    You’re playing on hard.

    Pick normal and things will be much less of a challenge if at all.


    Yes, campaign and skirmish/multiplayer are just 2 different game, which doesn’t prepare well to oneanother.

    But even the very best players sometimes loose during their first try of some levels (Kotyan Khan beeing one of the most difficult campaign overall), so don’t worry too much about that !


    Even on normal I find them quite tricky!!

    I honestly wish you could play on very easy because I like to experience the story but I’m not really good enough to beat quite a few of the campaigns 😭


    The newer campaigns are harder.

    However knowing what will happen (events etc) make it a lot easier.

    You can also if you loose see the whole map and what is where.

    Things like knowing to have gold ready to tribute to immediately get an ally is really helpful, or knowing where to castle can make or break a game.


    Sundjata is hard as brass knuckles, just nonstop knights flooding your baby Dark age village.

    I beat it by building a fortress of Monks near the gold in the west and waiting until the AI runs out of gold.


    second cuman mission especially hard at the first tries until you realize that just rushing the tatars is the best strategy.


    Some of the scenarios need a very particular strategy and it can get difficult without it.

    Since you and your enemies don’t start on an equal footing, it’s difficult to read the game and design a strategy.

    In some cases, it’s basically just guesswork about whether you have to boom or take down a particular opponent very fast.

    The hints do help though.


    The campaigns with 3 swords are meant to be extremely challenging.

    Especially newer campaigns with newer designs and difficult mechanics.

    I believe you refer to the battle at kalka river.

    Difficult the first time.

    But incredibly easy if cheesed with castles.

    As are many campaign missions.

    That’s why some don’t allow you to build them to make it way harder


    I presume you accidentally selected Hard for your first playthrough.

    Because that’s not the optimal approach.

    Some achievements are locked to Hard difficulty while some are impossible on Hard.

    The Cuman campaign is mostly about running and gunning.

    Were you trying to go for Cuman Flush?

    It’s a nightmare on Hard.

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