Destroy Unmade Object to Triumph in Situation

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  • #9154

    Greetings everyone!

    I have been attempting to create a custom campaign with Scenario Editor in AoE II: Definitive Edition and have been successful until now.

    I am stuck on a roadblock with the Destroy Object condition.

    In the third mission, I want the player to construct thirteen Castles and then defeat an enemy General with a powerful Trebuchet.

    To do this, I created a Trebuchet with a different name and increased its health.

    This worked with the Area setting, however, I am uncertain how to make an objective to destroy the Trebuchet right after it is spawned.

    I am aware that Destroy Object only works with objects that are already on the map, so I am in need of assistance.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


    You can try own fewer objects

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