Desire to Attempt Ranked Games Grew Stronger

  • This topic has 8 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by readytochat44.
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  • #19630

    It has been a long time since my friend introduced me to this game on an old CRT computer when we were kids, but I recently started playing again.

    I tried AOE4 last year and enjoyed it, but I feel like I’m not learning a lot about different tactics and strategies from playing against the computer.

    This is why I want to play ranked, but unfortunately, it takes up to two minutes to find a match, even though I’m located in the northeastern US.

    Also, I play on PC and not Xbox.


    It can take more than 2 mins so I’d try waiting a little longer.

    If you haven’t played your first game it needs to find you an appropriate placement game.


    I’m in the Midwest US and it takes me up to 3 mins to get a game on weekday evenings.

    Weekends are a bit faster.


    It typically takes 2-4 minutes to find a match and then you have a minute before the game loads up.

    I like to get water etc in that time.

    Small things, just walk a little


    So I actually played two games last night.

    One I got spanked by a knight rush and the other went on for hours because neither side could get anywhere at first.

    Until i distracted his army enough to get my rams through his forward walls and got the 2 castles.

    I was about to make trebuchets since I look so long doing that but my opponent ran out of resources and resigned.


    You can maximize your chances of finding a game fast by not banning any maps in your setup.

    I just set it to prefer Arabia 1v1 and usually get a game within 1 minute.

    You might get a map/game you didn’t really want (like today I got the map where you start with stone walls + farms + castle, whereas I prefer just a basic dark age start with a TC, 3 villagers and a scout) but whatever, you just want to get any games you can so you can lose a few and get down to your appropriate elo.


    Is your game up to date?

    Are you playing DE?

    Also, there is no such thing as “random” for the selected map in ranked, so I’m thinking you may be in the wrong page somehow.


    You’re probably going to get destroyed for a few games because they start you at 1000 ELO.

    Don’t lose heart.

    It’s totally normal.

    After a few games you’ll fall into a zone where you’ll have competitive matchups and it becomes a lot more fun.


    If you want to play I’ll play you.

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