Defeating a Large Number of Feudal Archers After a Rapid Scouting Attack

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    I think if your enemy is still able to mass 15-20 archers in feudal age after your scout rush.

    Then I’d say your scout rush isn’t that effective.

    A well executed scout rush should aim to kill 1-2 vils or cause Eco delays for walls building etc.

    The reason scout into knights works at lower elos is because it the perfect one two punch.

    But the first punch has to deal some damage.

    Against top tier Archer Civs like Britons, Mayans etc you can’t let them mass archer this early.

    So prep skirms.

    If you continue find your self in this situation then siege is your best friend.

    Dont go knights if your behind vs archers because once your enemy has Crossbow and bodkin that power spike will shread you.

    Also since your a scouts player, then SCOUT your opponent.

    If their full walling then don’t make any scouts.

    You should have the extra advantage of knowing what’s coming.


    Make more scouts -> get armor and bloodlines -> patrol in and eat archers with ease!

    Getting feudal scout upgrades is often surprisingly effective as a way to clear archers before your opponent hits castle.


    scout more and see what your enemy is doing.

    Sounds like you die in the transition due to reaching castle age late/lack of army/ lack of scouting.

    How many scout do u usually do and at what time do u reach castle age?

    if the answer is 5 or less then you should reach castle age way before min 20, but for your elo before min 20 its fine and a decent timing.

    If u have a good map u can get greedy and pallisade and house wall, if u dont then u should add a range around min 13 or 14 just to keep pushing with archers/skirm +scout mix.


    The higher you go in ELO the more likely it will be that you need an archery range yourself in Feudal even when you go scouts.

    Skirms don’t make your opions worse in Castle Age because you still can play a boom game with skirms+knights eventually.

    If tech switching is too hard for you, investing into armor+bloodlines and committing a little more to scouts probably could do the trick as well.

    Note that archers depend on mass, so when you have the option to kill 2 archers instead of a vil, go for the archers.

    Don’t waste your scouts blindly on a random vil kill.

    Try to find single archers offguard.

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