Defeated a Noxious Person, Savored the Satisfaction

  • This topic has 14 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by Flump01.
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  • #6569

    In the lower elo bracket of competitive play, I was playing a match of Age of Empires 2 with the Japanese civilization against Spanish on Arabia.

    As the build orders and idle villagers are difficult to execute in this elo, I tried to drush late game.

    My opponent scout rushed me and I should have walled upon seeing his scouts, but the game was already difficult.

    He got to Castle Age faster than I did, so I panicked and grabbed some villagers to build archer ranges near his base.

    I used crossbows to damage his economy, while rams destroyed my Town Centers.

    He asked me if I liked resigning and I refused to answer, instead focusing on the game.

    I used pikemen to kill his knights and skirmishers, and crossbows with the blacksmith upgrade.

    He expressed his admiration for my resilience and I was relieved.

    This was the first time I encountered toxic behavior in this game, but it wasn’t necessary to get so upset over a game.


    Got curious—they played several games after that.

    Whenever they lost, it was because they were playing a noob, apparently.

    One of their opponents said “Why should I learn to play?

    I’m winning” in response.


    Beating toxic players feels great


    I think I played same guy.

    He was Mongols and made a nice push but stopped and was very upset I didn’t quite when he had a score lead.

    He may have had a lead but I had a ton of eco and just kinda halted him right as the tied truns he’s like you should have quit.

    I have score lead and then quits


    >he conquistador’d my peaceful town

    the BASTARD


    If it happens again, you can mute those people by going into the F7 menu and clicking on their icon.


    A win is a win, nice job sticking it to him.

    seems he’s just being salty sore loser


    I once matched against someone like this,
    When his tower rush with with Britons failed, and I made it to imp with goths, he proceeded to repeatedly pausing the game, and asking me to rollover and die


    Being that resilient is a quality that some players don’t have at much higher elo.

    You may have lacklusters mechanics, poor timings and build orders, but you’ll learn it.

    I’m barely above your elo, around 11xx, but I almost never manage to turn the tides when I’m in a difficult situation.

    Making those archery ranges was a good call, well done.


    I had a game like this last week.

    I basically one trick Mongols on Arabia for better or worse. (I can run Franks, Byzantines, and Chinese pretty well too for my ELO).

    I’m 1050 ELO.

    He all ins early feudal and I start losing ground but I know his economy must be struggling behind that, so I don’t panic and start to spread out, I migrate and create more TCs and keep booming and fighting him with everything I got.

    IDR what civ he was playing but I remember him going archers and spamming taunts in chat.

    I slowly manage to get to hussar and late game, we are fighting like hell for every square inch of the map and raiding each other.

    When the writing is on the wall (I got onagers out and thinned his archers low, mangudai coming out, drill rams) he goes in chat saying “so what, we are just going to play forever?

    Come on I have shit to do, fucking loser. 11 noob.” The game was about 50 mins in, and he’s like “I stopped trying 30 mins ago.” Resigns.

    He proceeds to spam rage at me in chat and I, who have said nothing whatsoever at this point, say “yummy ranked points mmm” instead of my usual “gg.” This sent him over the moon with rage chat lol.

    Calling me a loser etc.

    for “not resigning” (I didn’t see a reason to resign, he did not do enough eco dmg I knew I had a chance).

    Just said “gg wp” and left.

    I watch replay and this guy did not stop trying at any point LMAO.

    Had full production all game and was *sweating* trying to finish me off and tech switch to handle my comps.

    Felt rly good to win against that guy.


    wow hahah i’ve been against a toxic guy asking me to resign recently which i won against, glad we both had the pleasure to feel that 😛


    Couldn’t read the second image, what did it say?


    Never give up, never surrender!


    Wait, you won after being down, but you’re the noob?

    I’m new to the game, so I am confused on how this works… /s


    1 comment about resigning, and then complimenting you qualifies as toxic does it?

    Some people really are easily offended.

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