Debuting After Two Decades: Tunnel Vision Triumphs

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  • #15728

    I recently purchased DE and had my first multiplayer match in over two decades.

    It was quite the experience!

    I had forgotten how enjoyable this game can be.

    I was randomly assigned the Aztecs and my opponent was the Slavs.

    I ended up winning the match, but my opponent put up a good fight, even attempting a castle drop when things looked bleak in their home territory.

    Throughout the match, I did not chat much other than the usual greetings.

    I assumed my opponent had not even replied, and I thought to myself, “how rude”.

    But when I watched the replay, I was shocked to see that my opponent had been very friendly the entire time!

    MySonIsInterupting, if you’re reading this, I apologize for not acknowledging your friendliness during the match.

    I’m too old to keep up with everything at once (I’m in awe of how you guys do it!).


    Shit i know that fella, he’s been in a bad place lately and i told him maybe playing some games would be a good way to make friends


    FYI In the top right of the UI there is the chat box where you can scroll back through all the messages you received in the game


    Maybe the reason you only saw his replies during the replay and not during the game was because he didn’t use * when he chatted?


    If it helps..I had this happen once where someone ‘gg’d’, and I completely missed it.

    We ended up playing another 20 minutes before they said it again.

    I had gotten so busy multitasking that I missed it entirely.

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