Could Monks Be Effective on Open Maps?

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    The sanctity of freedom is preserved, while tracking progresses.

    The range of a monk has been increased by one, but the range of block printing has been reduced to two, making it a more secure investment compared to other options available in the castle age.

    This should help to improve its popularity and momentum.


    who said theyre not already viable?

    monks are already plenty strong without this


    Monks are very helpful against knights in moderation.


    arent monks already fantastic?

    i see them on every single arabia game, ever


    Monks are definitely not flashy or used much but they have a niche and don’t need any buffs.

    They’re like bombard cannons for some civs, killing onagers or other siege when your archers/champs can’t.

    Did I mention they can stop knights and heal any units that get hit by raiders and they can prevent forward siege from taking a tc?

    But what they do need is a heal and follow command because regular follow has them follow a unit and just that, new command heals nearby damaged units when they see one while following.


    Monks are part of a slow composition, they are naturally not going to be very good on open maps unless they are broken on Arena, e.g., if Sanctity is free and they have +1 range.

    Burmese would be the new Turks.

    That being said, monks already have a valid use case in scaring off knights.

    You are unlikely to go wrong adding monks vs 2 stable knights.

    Monks are also very useful if you try to wall and boom vs melee units and/or mangonels.


    monks are viable on open maps


    With sanctity, a monk will convert a scout 86%* of the time (unless it’s teuton scouts, then it’s 0%?).

    So in order to keep counters intact, we’d also need to give free light cav upgrade to everyone.

    Monks are already extremely strong.

    *( or 68%?)


    this buffs monk play too much at high levels.

    if we microd like machines monks would be the known OP unit.

    we dont, so they arent

    but the issue is more down to usability for most players.

    not actual stats.

    if anything they should curb the RNG on monks (increase min and decrease max conversion time closer to the mean)


    First of all this would make arena even heavier on monks which is not good.

    Second of all as many have pointed out, monks are fantastic.

    In a knight war I always add a monastery ASAP and if I’m getting hit with knight pressure as an archer player they are essential.

    if going for a siege push you always drop a monastery and finally they’re a military unit that also picks up relics giving you a fantastic roi if you have map control




    Bohemians appreciate this buff along with free mining camp techs


    Monks are already insane.

    Sure they’re expensive but when they shine they feel so broken.

    When your opponent shows up early castle with knights and you get like two conversions it’s backbreaking.

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