Disclaimer : Take this with bags of salt looking at my flair.
And haven’t played Chinese in quite a while, so i might be way off.
1 house, loom.
6 sheep (Force drop).
7th lures boar.
3 wood.
Food till 20pop.
Push deer because you’ll need farm without (2 works imo).
Make houses as necessary.
Mill when you have too many under tc.
Reason being, hunt is gathered faster.
Last 2 to wood.
You could go to wood sooner, 1 vil, then last vil to wood before clicking up if you go farms.
Not sure about this.
On the way up, 5/6 from food to wood.
From there, it’s standard scouts.
Barracks on the way up, stable.
Farms every 60 wood till 15, then wheelbarrow & gold.
Keep making scouts & wall base.
Upgrades if lengthy feudal fights.