Computer Shutting Down During Age of Empires II Gameplay

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  • #14755

    I recently purchased a mini PC with an AMD Ryzen 9 5900hx processor.

    However, every time I try to launch the AOE2 game, the PC crashes.

    It has happened 4-5 times in the past month, even during the middle of a game.

    I’m not sure if this is an issue with the game or the PC, but it doesn’t happen when I’m not playing the game.

    Do you think this is a common problem with AMD processors?

    If you have any ideas, please let me know.


    After the latest update the game is having some stability issues, so this might be the cause of these crashes.

    Thanks for the report 🙂


    PC crashed or the game crashed?

    Because tons of people are having issues with the game crashing but I haven’t seen anything about PC crashing

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