Combating Shrivamsha Raider Attacks

  • This topic has 8 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years, 1 month ago by Hairy_Alternative819.
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  • #4558

    I recently went up against an opponent who employed a strategy of simply playing defensively and continually sending out Shrivamsha Riders to attack my and my teammate’s economies.

    I find cavalry raids in general to be very difficult to counter, but the Shrivamsha seems to make it even more difficult.

    It is faster than any counter and appears to be nearly impossible to take down with Castles or Town Centers.

    Despite having a strong lead in the late Feudal Age, we eventually lost due to the heavy losses we sustained from the Shrivamsha spam.

    What advice do you have for countering the Shrivamsha raids, and cavalry raids in general?

    Apart from playing defensively and stone walling, I do not see how it can be beaten.


    This may be surprising, but monks with sanctity can do surprisingly well in low numbers.

    Riders neither have the resistance, nor the bonus damage of scouts against monks.

    Without upgrades they take 6 hits to kill a monk with sanctity, compared to 3 hits of a light cav and 5 hits of a knight.

    They are a less valuable target though, but still, when it comes to defending, monks are insane against non scout-line cavalry


    Why stone walls?

    Shrivamshas not great at breaking even palisades.

    And if you let someone to fast castle with eco in open map you maybe did something wrong.

    At this point he or his teamate should be completly dead.

    And if you already invested into pikes then you should place them near your vills and under tc, not chasing shrivamshas


    Gurjaras unique tech from castles allow them a huge economic advantage per unit created, so the trick is to be hyper aggressive and not allow gurjaras player to get strong by castle age, and if they can mass shirvamsa, chakram throwers, a good counter is knights, but they also have camels and if they switch from shirvamsa to camels they most likely have blacksmith techs, so it can be difficult to counter.

    Early aggression is my go to for gurjaras.

    A gurjaras player that knows what he’s doing with their unique tech can create 2-4 armies to your one, if they have tons of castles and stables their military has a lot of value.


    Just make pike, gurjaras have no answer before castle


    Shrivamsha riders only hard counter archers/skirms.

    You could literally make any other unit and be fine.

    Wall up and take your pick.

    Knights, camels, scouts, pikes, longswords, and likely every non Archer unique unit.

    They really are terrible against every other matchup.


    Pikemen groups patrol your main 3 resource points.

    Add strong cavalry or infantry, (try to) deny Gurjara castles, counter-stone wall since Shrivamsha rider speed doesn’t matter if they can’t come into your base

    I would just say your opponent was tough, stone-wall with Shrivamsha riders?

    That’s a neat strategy, just like stone-wall with Briton crossbow mass.


    It depends on the point in the game.

    If it’s castle age, just wall up having a few units at home (monks, kts, camels, pikes, etc) is fine.

    Even ranged units are okay.

    In Imp, it’s a different story.

    Like you said, they do well vs TC and castle fire.

    I suggest keeping some pikes/halbs at home on patrol to deal with them.

    Or camel if you can.


    Walling or spreading pikes all over your base i guess.

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