Can You Assist Me in Locating an Ancient CBA Hero Map?

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    Recently, I downloaded AOE2 on Steam and it brought back memories of when I used to play it with my friends on LAN around 2007-2010.

    We used to play a map called CBA (Castle Blood Auto) which I’d love to find again.

    There were two significant features that made the map stand out: in the center of the map, there was a small area where a hero would gain strength if he stayed there for a certain amount of time.

    Additionally, on the northeast corner of the map, there was an island where new kings spawned after certain kills.

    These kings could be used as coins to upgrade certain features by walking them into slots, where they would then disappear.

    If anyone recognizes this map, I would really appreciate it if you could help me find it.

    Thank you!


    Not a CBA map, but you’ve described something somewhat similar to what Rambit CB Gold is – you get Kings with kills/razes, which spawn at the bottom of the map.

    You would use those to get Imp, get extra castles for production, or for every 2 Kings you could get 1 king at the super unit area at the top of the map to redeem for a hero unit to spawn.

    Subotai and Charles Martel were the usual early heroes to redeem, before eventually getting Harald Hardraade or Genkhis Khan.

    Eventually you would use the kings in the top area to get a power up when units are on the middle hill, or if you had enough – global power up.

    You lost if the pyramid in your base got destroyed.

    I’ve not seen it on DE, but I used to play it a lot along with classic Land Nomad (where you only had enough wood to build a lumber camp to start with, boars in groups of 3, deer in large groups and berry patches were in the map gen) on GameSpy Arcade and Voobly.

    On DE the closest to Rambit CB Gold that I’ve found is CBA KingTe, but it’s bit different base layout wise.


    Sounds similar to, but not exactly, any of the following:

    Rambit CB, standard CBA but kills earn kings, use em to get more castles or special units.

    A new version ripping off this format exists on DE, called CBA KingTe.

    CBA front towers, it’s CBA but FFA and random units.

    You can swap yours or your opponent’s units with kings, and there are kings for upgrades.

    Archers Hellfire, archers spawn and get stronger in middle.

    Get better archers for kills and monks for special powers.

    Path blood, earn sabs with kills and use em to unlock better units in your choice of paths.

    Units get stronger in middle.


    There are a lot of maps for download on voobly.

    But if you bought DE, i’m not sure if they will port correctly.

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