Can Unit Size Be Altered in the Editor?

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    I’m creating a unique situation and I’d like to have giants in it.

    Could I use triggers to make a unit appear bigger than its normal size?


    Mike empires has had giants in the william wallace campaign


    The way that one really good modder, Anne HK or similar name, has larger unit mods for sheep, hunt and relics, is to use the UHD asset in the normal, non UHD game.

    That might be worth exploring? (Absolutely no idea if it will work or not)


    Without modding in custom graphics, not that I’m aware of.

    You can alter unit size via Modify Attribute trigger but that changes the size only for object interaction purposes (hit box, formations, etc.).

    For example if I triple the size of Knights this way, other units will give them a wide berth but the graphical model will be this same.

    Making object size smaller is how you can get units to stack on top of each other.

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