Can Someone Assist Me in Gaining Comprehension of the Game?
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January 29, 2023 at 12:59 am #5894
Anonymous Player
MemberWhat are the most effective civilizations to use for monks, horse archers and hand cannons, and in what scenarios and against which civilizations are they most advantageous?
Why don’t I ever see people making Urumi Swordsmen, even though they seem to be overpowered based on their stats?
Why do some videos say that Portuguese are not a good civilization, but then I get destroyed by them in ranked games?
Is it better to invest in attack and armor technologies, or to mass units (before Imperial Age)?
When you run out of gold, is it better to switch to cheaper units or to transition slowly and save some gold for later?
Can you still win by building proper defense and units and staying in the Castle Age against an opponent with trebuchets and fewer units?
Why do I see a lot of games where someone picks Bengalis, Malians, or Malays (even at high ranks) but they don’t seem to perform as well as other overpowered civilizations?
Are tower rushes still a thing?
I don’t see them at all anymore; some players attack with a few towers at the start, but then proceed with another unit or attack later.
January 29, 2023 at 12:59 am #5895m05513
GuestTake my answers with a grain of salt as I am not that good, most of this is from watching T90, TheViper, Hera, and spending too much time on reddit:
Monks are probably aztecs, as their monks end up with significantly more HP and if you secure relics, you get increased gold from them.
For horse archers, its either magyars (Full upgrades and a unique tech), huns (Much Cheaper, so easier to get into) or Mongols (though in their case its because of Mangudai, not cav archers).
For hand cannons, its 100% Hindustanis with their +2 attack range
2.For Urimi Swordsman, like almost all infantry, they may be cheap, but they’re also slow and squishy.
Doesn’t matter how good you are if you die to archers.
3.There was an update last month that made Portuguese significantly stronger, those videos were probably before that.
4.Certain techs are better, whereas others not so much.
when going archers, bracer/bodkin are far more important than just more crossbows, but archer armor can be delayed.
Similarly with knights, I’d say Armor > more knights > attack.
5.I am not good enough to comment on the question about trash other than when in trash wars, more mangonels/onagers with proper spear protection from enemy hussars = winner, and use your own hussars to try snipe their siege/villagers
6.Imp is an expensive upgrade, so there’s a pretty big window between them going imp and getting the benefits of it where staying in castle age and making more units can overwhelm and give the victory.
However if you fail to capitalize on that you will have a bad time unless you are far better than your opponent.
7.It depends on a number of factors.
They could be bad on that specific map.
They could be bad against the civ they are up against.
Their opponent could be better at handling the strategy they are using than other strategies.
Overall, its too complicated for a short answer here.
8.As with 7, tower rushes are map/civ dependant.
I’d say one of the best civs if you do want to tower rush is the Poles, as their villages passively heal damage they take, and they get gold while mining stone, which can be used to augment the tower rush with archers or Man-at-arms.
January 29, 2023 at 12:59 am #5896JeanneHemard
Aztecs and Bengalis have tanky monks.
Spanish have faster converting monks (UT research is needed but Conq and Donk is a fun comp anyway) and a mobile monk UU.
Burmese have cheap upgrades and know where the relics are.
Bohemians have cheap monasteries, free mining upgrades and can make trash monks in ultra late game.
And lastly, much neglected, but Portugese have a 20 gold discount on their own monks.
There might be other good monk civs as well but these boni are most outspoken imo.
>horse archers
Huns have already been mentioned.
In post-imp, Magyar CA are godly.
Mongols have good CA but I prefer Mangudai.
Tatars have the smoothest transition into CA and huge power spikes.
My favorite civ to go CA with is the Turks tho.
They are neglected in this role.
Their UT Sipahi actually makes their CA the best in game according to Spirit of the Law.
And their hussars upgrades for free, have extra PA, and in imp your cav archers get chemistry for free.
>hand cannons
Turks transition into HC super easily.
Bohemians get chemistry one age earlier and their university and blacksmith are discounted so they can race through the ages.
Hindustanis outrange non-briton arbalesters.
Burgundian HC just shred with extra dmg, it’s amazing..
Spanish attack faster but I prefer conqs.
>Why i never see people make Urumi Swoardsman if by stats they are overpowered?
I think they are one of the most slept-on units.
There’s a Viper short on YouTube where his urumis just decimate a ball of cavalier.
>Why some videos say portuguese are not good civ and then in ranked i get destroyed by them?
They were underpowered for a long time but got a huge buff last patch, and right now most people I have encountered have actually said they’re OP now.
>It is better so invest in technologies of attack and armor, or mass units (before imp)?
Massing units before getting techs is usually better.
Survivalist has an amazing video on tech timings and priorities, check out his YouTube channel
>Change to trash units when u ran out of gold or do it a transition before and save some gold for later?
It depends?
What is your opponent making?
What are your civ bonuses?
Byzantines for example love their trash…
in general it can be good to go for 1 gold unit, 1 trash unit and siege as an army comp.
But as I said it depends.
Sometimes double gold comp is better.
And with meso civs or Turks for example, if you run out of gold, the game is pretty much over.
>Why i see a lot of games when someone picks bengalis, malians or malay (even high ranked) and dont seem to work well like other broken civs?
That is really map dependant.
Bengalis and Malay for example are terrific on arena.
Malians aren’t that bad on arabia.
But the meta revolves around arabia and there are certainly some civs that don’t do that well there.
>Are tower rushes still a thing?
i dont see them at all anymore, some attack with few towers at the start but they procced with another unit or attack later
Towers have been nerfed to the point where we don’t see trushes that often anymore.
They’re quite easy to batter down with vills or MAA.
And if you don’t panic, you can just go castle age, drop a castle on a few towers or build a few mangonels and clear them out of your base.
Trush is a very low eco all in strategy that leaves you exposed at home
January 29, 2023 at 12:59 am #5897Umdeuter
GuestHow did you get the idea that Bengalis, Malay or Malians were op?
On most maps they’re somewhere between average and bad.
January 29, 2023 at 12:59 am #5898Blocklies
GuestSotl, survivalist and hera might have answers to many other of your questions so check them out also
Monks are best with aztecs (beat hussars) 2nd is bengalis(more tankyness) and 3rd burmese (techs don’t cost your life savings) 4th is Lithuanians imo (mass monks faster).
Huns or mongols have the best cav archers damage/cost wise, tatars have the best power spike and cumans spam more while magyars have more attack and range thanks to recurve bow, honorable mention to vietnamese and koreans.
Burgundian hand cannons are the strongest damage wise but lack the final armor, hindustanis are most protected and turks/Italians have better hand cannons rushes, Spanish are best against masses of low hp units like vills or halbs.
Urumi swordsmen are good thanks to their charge attack, they’re usually not made because of how they’re made from castles and that dravidians aren’t used much.
The videos are outdated, Porto are good in ranked, even Arabia, before they didn’t have the foraging or research bonus and their discount was only 15%.
If the upgrade is cheap or doesn’t affect your units production then grab it, if you have a few units don’t get it (forging is worse than 2 scouts in feudal but flecting doesn’t cost any number of archers.)
Do the transition before, also sell food early and gran relics to not need to spam halbs.
Though including trash in your army is good in the late game unless you’re going for a quick victory or have bad trash (franks).
Getting to imperial age can beat someone who stays in castle age, if your opponent is still in castle but you’ve advanced then go for bombard cannons and trebs quickly to snowball into a loss of a castle.
Usually people mass archers in castle age so it doesn’t slow their advance as much as knights or infantry do.
Those civs are hard to play, malay have a weird eco and weird military.
Malians are focused on infantry which nobody is used to using and otherwise have archers that don’t scale and a fragile UU.
Bengalis have a terrible castle age with no knights or thumb ring, just elephants which need to be massed slowly or monks which are micro intensive.
Tower rushing isn’t good because of the nerf to tower hp, incas, and Korean reworks, though tower rushing isn’t an auto lose for you.
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