Can Increasing Speed Make Swordsmen More Effective?

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    The general agreement among players of various abilities is that swordsmen are not particularly effective.

    I believe a major reason for this is their lack of agility.

    They are easily defeated by archers and are often outmaneuvered by other units because of their slowness.

    Do you think increasing their speed would make them more viable?

    Doing so would make it easier for them to reach their intended target and archers would no longer be such a formidable obstacle.


    They cant be a generalist unit.

    It would make them another knight.

    To see them moré often, they need a specific role.

    I think that increased damage against buildings is worth at least considering.

    Make them the specialist on assaults, that is, breaking into a base and start taking down everything forcing a reaction.


    The one way I could think of buffing infantry is make them more easier to mass in certain stages of game, because a big problem infantry have is they can’t dictate fights at all, unless supported by siege, but if you have siege it’s often better to just have knights or bows.

    The shotel warrior might be to fast and even very weak, but I find they’re the only infantry melee unit other than pikes I actually have a need for, and it’s because you can mass them (from a castle No less) very quickly with how fast they produce and it makes it viable in a lot of situations.

    I would like to see melee infantry used in more creative ways.


    Oh, its weak infantry week already?


    Oh high level they will always be kited anyway


    Dang, 33% upvote rate.

    People *really* do not like to even TALK about buffing things.


    Just need to soft counter knights more +4 bonus to mounted units would fix them


    It feels like you’d need to make them op to seriously change how often they are used.

    I welcome a long sword meta, but I don’t see it happening.


    I don’t think infantry are as easy to solve as you imply.

    The idea is that they’re the generalist “trash-killer”, but the only trash they actually win decisively against is the pikeman.

    Yes, they’d be able to face archers much more easily if they were faster (and squires enables them to at least engage them), but archers are meant to win those fights.

    Infantry are supposed to be generally effective against knights and buildings.

    The issue is that they need archer/tower/siege support to actually destroy buildings if a villager is on them, and they need a solid mass of an otherwise non-threatening unit to challenge the plain strength of a knight mass, then they need to have stone walled at home to prevent their eco from getting shredded in the process.

    Infantry counters knights only in select scenarios, and it needs help from the siege line to do its job.

    It’s difficult to tech into, and anything that doesn’t attack in melee counters it.

    Speed isn’t the issue, I’d say.


    As the Malians prove swordman + piece armor = superior unit.

    the only problem is Malians don’t get halbs so against knights Camels are needed.


    Due to the game design, this wont be possible.

    Its like every single unit herre is trying to kill the swordsmen.

    From archers to knights, everyone has a leg up from the average militia line.


    Being slow fits their identity. -_-

    If infantry gets buffed, it needs to happen in different ways.

    Personally I liked the change last year where Long Swordsmen and Two-Handed Swordsmen got +1 melee armor.



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