Can Anything be Done to Help Britons?

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  • #13386

    Britons have been fine for over 20 years now


    briton xbows do 1 damage to FU elite skirms in castle age.

    While elite skirms do 7 damage to FU xbows.

    Yes he has a faster firing rate, but it’s only by 50%, so let’s call the damage he does 1.5.

    You sill do more than 4x the damage he does.

    Even with +2 range, he can only get off 1 or 2 volley before you close distance.

    Sure he can try to micro, but he will still take damage while doing only negligible damage to you and while he frantically micros vs your very cheap and expandable skirms, while you go on expanding your eco and doing other things.

    Also keep in mind it’s quite expensive for him to get that massive range as he needs a castle and the tech.

    Of course, Britons are oppresive if you find yourself in a situation where you opponent has a bigger army/better eco and is just pusing you with a massive xbow deathball supported by light cav or even knights.


    “Any answer provided feels like gaslighting”, then “Is this really right?”

    Do you actually want a reply, or are you just venting about the civ you struggle against?

    Checking other replies to see if you mentioned your elo…


    With the mention of the siege tower, this is either an elaborate troll…

    or what the fuck happens on low ELO ladder?


    Scout+skirm opening into knights/skirms kill britons.


    >Britons are the best archer civ, the best anti-archer archer civ, and the best anti-anti-archer archer civ, all at once.

    Is this really right?

    not really, not at all.

    Mayans are a better archer civ, the best anti archer archer civ are probably viet and mayans or byz and the best anti anti archer civ doesnt mean anything.


    Britton are not op , they are not even a top tier civ.


    yeah, but thats the case at least for 1v1.

    In top elo TG the brits are only useful bc of the team bonus, the range isnt game changing since they lack thumbring.

    Talking about only arabia tho, since its probably their best map


    I don’t know what level you are but unless you are 2k+ I’d say it’s never a good use of time/APM to be mircroing archers vs skirms.

    When you play them, just make skirms in Feudal and upgrade them to elite in castle.

    When he brings his xbows forward, just patrol into the archers.

    You carry on booming/ doing macro/ walling behind and if he wants to spend all his APM hit-and-running then so be it.

    Once you get a few scorpions out, and more skirms, he can’t engage.

    And if he does, he’s probably sacrificing a lot of eco APM unless you’re really high level

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