Can a 17-Year-Old Pop Dravidian Scout Rush?

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    I’m not great at establishing build orders, but I can usually get up to 18 population fairly comfortably.

    I’m aware that this is not the most efficient way to play, but I think that a scout-into-archer strategy can be really effective with the Dravidians, and if you can get some villager picks you should be in a good spot.


    I think it is possible, with fast enough hunt.

    I will try, moment pls.


    so far i managed to do 17 pop with heavy deer pushing. 1 vil on wood and somewhere around 14 pop one vil need to get a little bit wood to build the mill.

    if you manage to do get the mill up in time you need to get 7 on wood to get the barracks out in time.

    i have to much idle time and do mistakes to do it properly



    I’ve done 18pop archers with them


    I fiddled around with 18 pop, though that already involved heavy deer pushing.

    Since they don’t have an eco bonus in dark age, I think 17 pop is hardly possible to reliably pull off.

    It’d depend too much on the fact when you spot your deer and how far it is.

    In most matchups, I wouldn’t play that though. 20pop milita/maa into range is much stronger imho.

    It fits their bonuses much more with stronger skirms in case the opponent opens range and it sets you up better for Castle Age where you are reliant on xbows.

    Also opening scouts against another scout opening will put you behind (at decent ELO, maybe 1500/1600+) because the opponent won’t fight you until he has better upgrades (- at lower ELO this might work).

    Scout -> archer is possible with ~20:30 uptime (if you delay fletching) , but you won’t have a huge mass of xbow in that case.


    Yeah, 17 pop is very doable with dravidians.


    Depending on elo, 17 pop vs 18 pop might be only marginally better.


    I mean, if 8-pop scouts with Khmer is possible, then surely 17-pop scouts with Dravidians or nearly any other civ is possible.

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