Britons in Archer Rush: Managing Skirmish Responses

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    I’m trying out a strategy with Britons that involves an archer rush, but I’m not sure if it will be successful.

    I’ll begin by sending out 4-6 archers around 15 minutes in, upgrading fletching as I go.

    If my opponent produces skirms to counter, I’ll either retreat back home and wall up, or mix in men at arms and fight a feudal war.

    I’m not sure which will be the most effective, so I usually end up doing a bit of both.


    You can be pretty sure that you are ahead on the way to castle since skirms cost food.

    If you do not lose your mass (by going back) you can transition into castle and wipe them up with crossbows .

    The tricky part is keeping your archers and your eco alive.


    How about adding 3 vills for the first archer push and build a tower to deny gold or other ressources?


    If you’re constantly producing vills, have a good build order, kill a couple of their villagers and don’t get raided at home, you should be able to get up to castle age and come out ahead, and then hit them with crossbows – so if the raid goes well I’d retreat my archers and keep them alive for later.

    If you notice your opponent builds a massive clump of skirms, then definitely go up to castle first (he’s spending food on those skirms so that’ll slow him down) but on the way up build a stable or two and send in some knights.

    Mangonels are also an option.


    In middle elos I think the most safe and powerfull way is go back to your walls, keep spamming and wait for castle.

    If you hurt opponents eco early then castle age is too easy for you.

    You can :
    -Add a couple knights immediately and solve the skirm problem + have some counters for your opponents possible siege defence
    – If you think your opponents map is great and well defended then add tcs and boom with cheaper tc advantage then whatever you want


    Drush, then tower rush, then go archers.



    Option 1, they are making food units and you are not AND you killed vills.

    If you are fully walled then in castle age Briton xbows eat skirms so you win.

    The civ is not complicated to play.


    If they go skirms, you go castle then knights.


    If your opponent invests heavily in skirms, you will be much faster up to castle.

    What you have to do is raid as much as you can but don’t engage his main army.

    You will then be faster up to castle age. 2 knights with armor upgrade will kill everything he has.

    And you have a chunky ball of crossbows to finish the game then and there.


    add your own skirms


    I heard in a stream with Hera yesterday that one of the best strats with britons is to do a drush into FC after walled up and then I’m assuming you go into xbows and SO


    Send you initial archers, but id recommend sending scouts as your 2nd wave


    Scouts would be a better option if you want to go aggressive.

    As skirms cost food you can also stick on archers Go earlier up to castle age and use your power spike.

    Also skirms struggle with siege.


    Arch the farmers or choppas in order to slow skirm production.

    If they are still able to mass skirms or advance to castle, then run


    I would mix in a few of your own skirms (not a lot) but keep building archers and try to take smart fights when you can.

    You can pick off a few skirms here and there with micro and every skirm he builds slows down his castle time a little more.

    If you can force him to keep building skirms he will be spending all his food on that so he won’t be up to castle as fast as you.

    If he stops building skirms to get up then you can take advantage and kill whatever he has left and then start killing villagers.

    If he masses too many then you know he’s going to have a slow castle so stop building archers and get up to castle and switch into knights.

    So, either:
    Keep building archers and overwhelm him


    Get him to commit into skirms then go up to castle and switch to knights

    If he gets to castle faster than you then send everything home, wall up, get to castle asap, build two more tcs and defend.

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