Between 1200 and 1500 Elo, What Style Do Stronger Players Use?

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    [Take a look at this poll]( to see what the outcome is.


    people dont know to defend at this elo, and since being agresive its easyer i think its just 2+2=4.

    Thats why 3 stable knights all in or maa into archers are super common in this elo range, bc it works.


    I think 1500 is probably quite different to 1200, but I definitely found going from 1200-1400 was a “breeze” with aggressive tactics – especially really early on ones like MAA.

    And to be honest, I personally am much more prone to getting messed up by a MAA rush than the other way round.


    I would say my macro was complete sh*t until I reached like 1400.

    I was relying on maa, timings, all ins and a surprising redemption here and there.

    But everyone is different and there are a lot of players with very decent macro at 1300 as well who would have to improve on the offensive side first.

    To sum up: It is a level range where ones weaknesses are still relatively easy to identify.


    Everyone starts the game by learning how to attack, few learn how to properly defend.

    I myself have been playing since 1999 and all of my preferred builds are aimed at being the aggressor.

    It’s extremely much harder IMO to make the correct decisions to defend, to soak up pressure, not panic and understand what your win con is while not attacking.

    So, 1200-1500 players like myself are mostly the same and are much more adept at attacking.


    Good man at arms timing w towers into archers is very, *very* strong between 1k3 & 1k5


    Low 12xx here.

    Today a good chap made me some drush that didn’t idle eco me or kill any vilager.

    Of course I had almost 3′ of idle TC so I think myself more of an agressive than a defensive one 11.


    Results-style, coming in strong!

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