Bengalis Require Attention From Medieval and Late Imperial Eras

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    I believe they need resources to create a viable alternative to the existing powerful units.

    Something like a Hussar, Thumb Ring, or a Camel could be a great addition to give Arabia an edge in the game.


    A lot of some threads stem from not knowing how to play Bengalis more than Bengalis being weak.

    They have FU light cav, arbs, halbs, EA, super monks.

    Use them.

    Not every civ needs knights.

    I agree with supplies as I’ve struggled against halb/skirm/BC once.

    Even 2HS with supplies works better than champion without it.


    Bengalis are not in a bad place at the moment.

    They are excellent on closed maps, despite your claim, good in hybrid/water and tricky but workable in open maps (although not great, to be honest).

    Thumb ring would be overkill, considering how good their elephant archers already are.

    Camel would be ahistorical, and hussar too.

    Supplies would be situational without the last armour, and would help them mostly in late game transitions, where they’re already above average.

    I agree that they need a bit of castle love, something that eases their mid game transitions a little bit.

    Personally I’d tone down the skirm bonus damage on rathas and would consider giving them knight, but only knight, à la Saracens.


    Maybe castle age, but they dont need any help in late imp.

    Ele archer are very hard to kill, and for that one comment who said monks win vs them, make your own monks or LC.


    We know the recent BE buff wasn’t enough.

    But wait until the upcoming”big” overhaul that’s coming.

    Devs announced it had the most number of changes so far.

    I’m betting this includes BE, LS line, and other things.


    I play a lot of Bengali on Black Forest and there aren’t many civs that hold up to EA+monks+trash.

    In a few matchups lacking good champs really hurts.


    I will always defend they only need free Cavalry armor…

    even only the first one would be amazing because with that you can go Scouts easily and will help for a Light Cav agression in early Castle Age to give you time for a boom or even a castle drop.

    That helps you to counter Skimishers too.

    And this doesn’t make them OP in closed maps, for example, because cavalry armor isn’t that important on closed maps…

    maybe helps to add elephants but it isn’t THAT strong.


    I think them getting supplies would be a nice change.

    What they really need is a rework to their Unique unit.

    Less clunky and perhaps archer armor to resist some of the skirm bonus damage (not all of it, but 16 hits to kill them is pretty horrible when cavalier would take 140 hits after plate barding armor)


    They don’t need a Knight Replacement.

    Xbows serve as all around gold unit just like knights.

    You can add Siege to deal with Skirmishers.

    Bengalis ideal game on Arabia is boom behind walls and Xbows.

    Grab some relics.

    Make a massive food eco.

    Open Imp with Arbs, switch to Elite Battle Elephants then steam roll down the middle with one big push.

    The issue is most players struggle to play without a unit like Knights or Eagles.



    No, it won’t address their weakness


    I agree

    Thumb ring?

    Yes, finally we can have a civ with FU Elephant Archer (it’s silly no civ has FU EA)


    Maybe, it does give them an answer against Knight or Steppe lancer spam…

    The Pala empire did have camels, although predominantly in the western part of the empire (desert terrain).


    No of the options are good you provide

    Supplies, why they lack 3rd inf armour

    They only use light vs skirms and they do the job.

    Thumbring buffs their Ele Archers further

    Camels, would help but may as well give Celt camels too.

    The Ratha needs a buff to be a viable Knight replacement even if it CA version has to further lose stats.

    They could give Bengalis free Cav armour and some how work it so Ratha get Cav armour instead of archer armour.

    It would mean then lose the affect of Parthian tactics.


    I actually kinda like Bengalis.

    They incentivize ageing up and have mobility (unlike Dravidians).

    I would still buff them a bit, maybe general buffs to castle age Battle Elephant but also Ratha weakness to skirms.

    (It’s also weirdly illogical since chariots are made of wood and would be a bit more resistant to projectiles but whatever)

    In the right hands, the 3-5 TC boom into lategame is really strong with this civ.


    The elephant bonuses are overstated. -25% bonus damage does make them easier to throw into halbs, but you generally don’t want to do that, and the monk resistance is just one additional second for conversion.

    Means nothing.

    Their tech tree has too many holes, and the siege/armored elephant line is arguably worse than the battering ram due to their food requirement.

    Every suggestion I read comes down to, “Huddle in a corner until imperial, then spam elephant archers.

    I’ve faced that strategy before.

    I used monks to clear them out.

    They were Gurjaras, not Bengalis, but the conversion resistance is just a 1-second difference.

    Battle Elephants and Elephant Archers just aren’t the win conditions the civ needs.

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