Beginning AOE2 on Console and Struggling with Hard Difficulty

  • This topic has 9 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by AlertBreath2887.
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  • #15140

    I’ve been playing Age of Empires for almost a week and am striving to become a pro.

    Although I’m a novice to AoE, I have played some other strategy games but none of them have been as complex or demanding as this one.

    If anyone out there has managed to consistently defeat the AI on Hard or higher difficulty on console, I’d really appreciate it if you could share some advice.

    I’ve watched some videos and read some guides, but it’s almost like the AI is harder on console.


    Since everybody is implying it just takes time I can actually point out a few things that lower elo players struggle with normally as that may be a problem for you too.

    Make sure you are constantly creating villagers, 5 seconds of an idle TC in between vils leads to a huge disadvantage

    Make sure you get blacksmith upgrades before taking a fight, and get the upgrades as soon as u can, for example 15 knights with full castle age upgrades will kill 25 knights with no castle age upgrades every time (Hard AI gets upgrades)

    Make sure you aren’t Taking any fights up any hills, AOE2 has bonus damage for units attacking down hill, and deals less damage for units attacking up hill

    Get loom from your tc before clicking up to feudal age, it makes your villagers like 2x stronger


    I can’t speak to console, but generally trying to rush early & picking off villagers in feudal and castle helps stop them from reaching that point of endless unit spam


    Difficulty scaling is significant in AoE2

    It’s a very normal thing to get stuck while you’re improving.

    A good strategy to learn is Fast Castle boom, similar to the Art of War challenge that has you make 3 additional town centers.

    You get so many more villagers, you’re able to produce much more later on.

    Also, once the game ends after a loss, check out the enemy base – they’re likely making a ton of production buildings so they can dump out units quickly as well.


    Well there are a few basic strats you could learn.

    What are the problems you are facing?

    I may be able to help.


    That’s absolutely fine for a new player.

    Keep at it!


    The AI isn’t harder on console.

    It’s the same game.


    Another thing about the AI that others haven’t mentioned is that the AI is particularly vulnerable to early pressure and particularly good in the late game.

    In fact beating the extreme AI in the late game is very hard for even experienced players but beating them early is fairly easy.

    The AI can just spam units and manage their eco very well in late game, but place a few archers in feudal age next to their gold and they won’t even touch it, crippling their economy


    if you are new you wont even beat moderate at first imo


    Uninstall the game

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