Assistance for a Novice Gamer

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  • #23064

    I find it difficult to maintain a steady source of gold during the middle phase of the game despite collecting all the available ore.

    Do you have any alternative suggestions to improve my gold income?

    Thank you in advance.


    Ah okay thank you!

    I think I need to watch some videos on what to upgrade, I’ve played a lot of bmfe so this one’s a bit new to me!


    Here is a bit more extensive guide, if you’re interested.



    For your problem, just put more villagers on gold and you should be fine.

    In general try to have more villagers too I guess.


    That’s actually usually how the game works.

    The idea is that you get the gold and stone from the map before your opponent.

    Spend gold on your best units and upgrades for them.

    If you can secure relics, do so.

    Late game you will usually run out of gold, that’s when trash units are important (skirmishers, hussars and halberdiers).

    Use the market when you need.

    If you can secure enough gold for you and stop your enemy from doing the same you will be in a good spot.


    I mean, you and your opponent both get 3 gold spots.

    So, just use and protect your gold.

    There are also 2 “neutral” spots out on the map, so you can move there.

    They are away from your base, so usually you expand in that direction or put some kind of defense (TC, Castle) depending on the location.

    You can grab up to 5 relics and store them in you monastery, that way you get “free” gold over time.

    Last, you can go for the 3 gold spots from your enemy if they are exposed.

    This could actually be your winning condition.

    If they push you back, at least you got some of their gold.

    For lategame (1v1), if all gold is out, you can sell on the market.

    When the price is on the bottom (14), I would recommend to only sell food if needed.

    Other than that, you can work on your spending.

    Don’t get upgrades you don’t need, don’t buy on the market if not needed, think about army composition (so 1 gold unit, 1 siege unit, 1 trash unit instead of 2 gold units), etc.


    If you are in a TG you can set up trade to get gold.

    Unless you plan to win short term it’s good to also invest in trash (only food/ wood) units.

    Try to sell for gold when the market prices are good if you are floating food/ wood.

    Most importantly try to secure gold.

    Ie build TC close to wood + gold.

    Make castle on top of a hill close to gold etc.

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