Assistance: Constantly Losing Matches in Imperialism Despite Having a 20-30 Villager Lead

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  • #13916

    It seems I am having difficulty breaking through the strong fortifications players build in the Feudal, Castle, and early Imperial Ages.

    Even if I construct trebuchets, they are easily taken out by a group of hussars.

    Additionally, my opponents are constantly raiding me, making it hard to focus on pushing forward.

    Unless I can gain a significant advantage in the Castle Age, I am almost certain to lose the game in the Imperial Age.

    I would be grateful for any advice that could help me in this situation.


    Are you floating resources?

    Add more production buildings.


    Identify winning condition

    Sometimes you have a composition that enemy civ cannot stop.

    Your win condition is to get to that unit composition and not die.

    Sometimes the map has a very important position that can win the game.

    Maybe you need to get a castle up there.

    Sometimes you just have a shit matchup and raiding enemy to death best option.

    I didn’t watch replay but if you are imp with teutons you should have a pretty good advantage with just halbs and seige, but you do gotta watch out for those raids.


    Wall up too.

    You can literally destroy someone all game and they can limp to imp but if they have decent hussar or light cav that can win them the game just spamming into your eco.




    Defend trebs with halbs and wall your base.

    Or counter raid yourself


    stone wall your base.

    you cant be raided if they cant get in

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