Assist With Double Range Bow Attack to Fortress Era

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    I’m an intermediate player with 75 games under my belt and an Elo of 1000.

    I’ve been able to climb back up to this level from 780 mainly by using a 2 range rush with Britons, Vietnamese, and Ethiopians.

    I have the Feudal Age build order down, but I’ve been having difficulty at this Elo.

    My opponents have been better at walling and countering my rush, and they usually beat me to Castle Age.

    I usually reach Castle Age between 23-25 minutes, which I know is too slow.

    What can I do to ensure I’m getting to Castle Age faster?

    If my opponents walled, should I retreat, or move some villagers from wood and gold to farms sooner?


    Castle time is a function of how quickly you get farms down.

    The earlier the farms the fewer you need.

    Its also pretty common to also market in 2 range plays.

    Other than being more on top of your wood float, you can also delay blacksmith a little longer (faster farms), or make smaller walls/make your walls later.

    Ideally 2 range play should land castle between 20 and 22 depending on bs timing.


    Your job is to get to 15 farms asap.

    You’ll need farms+dbaxe+range.

    Add second range in a bit.


    The double range is not really good in 1v1 after 1000-1100 elo.

    One is usually enough and you hit castle age faster (you can click from 16 to 18 min depending on the pressure).

    If you still want to continue with that build order I would advise you to go for double range, double bit axe, 3 farms minimum then the blacksmith in that order.

    Skip horse collar and stop making farm when you reach 500 food and stop at around 14-15 farms.

    Click only fetching on feudal age and avoid the defense if your opponent is fully walled to improve your timing as well.

    Do not hesitate to idle the TC (no more than 20-30 sec ofc) when you are around 700 food because the castle age timing is really important when you play archer.

    You can also train using the mod called ” interactive build order ” very useful!


    I think the rest of the comments lay out getting to castle age faster being usually about spending wood quickly to make farms.

    I’d also like to take a different angle on your problem.

    If you go for archers and enemy goes for full wall up, you’re likely simply behind in eco.

    If you both play well but you get no damage done with archers, you should be later to castle age.

    A little bit of scouting goes a long way.

    Knowing what enemy doing and what both of your maps look like is super helpful.

    I’m not sure what your archer rush looks like, but an intermediate build might go up on 19 vills and do 2 ranges and a bs.

    Can be pretty hard to defend such a fast archer rush.


    If players are walling early you can do few things

    Drush and then make archers, or open maa.

    Since you are at 1k elo, dont think drush and maa will be an easy option.

    So other thing you can do is keep your scout forward and harass walling vills.

    Step your scout into interupt walling pattern.

    Play one range black smith and fast fletching.

    Forward first archer or 2 with a spear.

    Dont wait till you mass 6 and get fletching.


    My pretty much “automatic” castle age transition with two-range feudal archers is, when you have 10 on wood and 8 on gold, start sending all new villagers to straggler trees and make farms.

    When you have ~14 farms, take wheelbarrow.

    When wheelbarrow finishes, you are almost guaranteed to have the resources to go up, even if you keep your archer production ongoing.


    The more deer you push the longer your sheep will last, that’s all I have to say on this.


    dont lose units especially archer balls


    Make sure you get to 800 food asap, many fail by doing just too few farms.

    The worst case scenario is that your berries run out just when you are ~200 food short.

    Makes sure to get 15-16 farms asap.

    Pushing 1 deer is helpful but not a must.


    not so long ago the meta was make 7 to 10 farms then abuse the hell out of the market, now since the upgrade prices are increased you probably need more eco ( unless you want to kill your eco to get to the powerspike faster)

    Make farms anytime u can, 60 wood?

    then a farm, and consider using the market anyways.

    What worked for my archer macro is playing team games as a flank, u can even try fancy build orders like 19 pop double range.

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