Assist in Enjoyment

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  • #11189

    The latest map pool is proving to be a challenge for Arab players.

    I have re-enabled Islands and Arena, but I am compelled to ban African Clearing due to the presence of overly powerful civilizations.

    Additionally, I have to ban four Lakes maps, as I am not skilled enough to play a quality game on them.

    This leaves Bigland as the only remaining viable option.

    Although it should be an enjoyable map, playing on it often results in a feeling of dissatisfaction, even to the point of hating Age of Empires II after a game.

    If anyone has had a positive experience playing on Bigland, please share your strategies and builds with me.


    african clearing is just fish a ton and go some feudal army and make a mess.

    like spanish and koreans are just chesy to the point you can almost resign but otherwise i think it makes for fun games where you can both hide int he corner or play super open

    It should suit arabia fans better than a BF and arena enjoyer like myself


    If Cross is a skill issue, why not fix the full issue.

    Very fun map, but riddled with disgusting lith 1 trickers, so preparing Japanese, huns, or Persians is not a bad thing

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