Artificial Intelligence and the ELO Rating System

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  • #7053

    I recently acquired the game and have received a great deal of assistance from this community.

    I am wondering if the ELO rating system in Age of Empires II is similar to that of chess.

    I have been playing with the typical settings, but at double speed.

    My win ratio against the Extreme AI is approximately 33%, but only when using rushes.

    When I observe expert players, they seem to have no difficulty defeating the Extreme AI, even when they are behind in score.

    This leads me to ask what rating would you assign to the Extreme and Hardest AI?


    As a 1300 player, I can’t beat the Extreme AI if I try to boom.

    I can kill it with Feudal pressure 100% of the time.

    AI is a dick.


    The extreme AI is „easy“ to rush.

    To rate it with an elo you would have to distinguish if abusing the ai‘s weaknesses is allowed or not.

    If you allow it to boom on a map that it knows well how to play and has a civ it can play well then the elo is quite high.

    Like 1100-1200 elo maybe.

    If you rush it it’s like, idk, 900?

    It’s hard to say cuz it can handle some types of rushes quite well but completely collapses to other types.


    I would rate extreme AI lategame elo quite high.

    Also if we assume that the human player doesnt know hes playing against AI, the AI would do better.

    This is because you can beat AI very easily with simple strategies.


    There’s been some improvements to DE’s AI during the past year but I think this list I made last year is still pretty accurate:

    Extreme AI – 1000 elo (11xx late game)

    Hardest – 900 elo

    Hard – 800 elo

    Moderate – 600 elo

    Easy – 400 elo

    Easiest – 300 elo

    EDIT: These are estimates for Arabia only.

    In closed maps (Arena, Black Forest) it’s easier to win because you’re safe from AI’s Feudal age rush.


    And to answer your other question – yes, exactly the same as chess elo.

    As for the pros, they don’t just smash extreme AI – there’s a multiplier feature.

    T90 is only a top 100 player – type t90 ai handicap challenge into YouTube to watch him playing extreme at 4 different multiplier difficulties.


    Answers here are pretty correct.

    Fast speed does help the AI though, I would say.

    Since as a human the amount of actions you can do is more limited.

    Being able to defeat extreme AI is quite good already.

    I would guess you would be around 900 elo.

    You start at 1000 so you will probably get a win after like 5 matches online.


    I’ve been playing the extreme AI a lot lately as a ~1000 ELO player.

    I can very consistently beat it unless I really screw up my build order.

    If you survive it’s initial feudal rush it becomes very easy to win by taking advantage of its poor walling and the fact that it doesn’t really protect its vils.

    Honestly, I wouldn’t compare it to any ELO.

    It doesn’t play like any human you’ll meet on the ladder.

    I only use it to practice new build orders.

    It’s not useful for preparing yourself for multiplayer past that.


    There is no direct comparison as the AI plays almost nothing like another actual player.

    If you optimise your style to beat the AI you may end up finding you struggle against other humans.


    Play normal 1.7x speed, 2x is way too fast.

    Also use the search function before asking questions.


    extreme AI its probably 900 elo or 1k at best


    If you’re consistanttly beating extreme ai, you can safely call yourself a 500+ elo player.

    There’s no cheesing the system, play the games and deal with ladder anxiety like the rest of us.

    It’s like playing fifa and asking at what rating you’re a real football player.

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