I typically play as the Spanish civilization in the game, but I avoid using the conquistadors and monks/missionaries.
Instead, I use them solely to gain access to blacksmith upgrades without spending any gold.
Depends on what you mean by that.
If you mean the units that receive bonuses, no.
If you mean the units that indirectly become much more viable because I have a bonus to units that counter their counters, or because I have many viable tech options, then yes.
Civs with most strength are difficult to play(for me) like gujaras
OFC, it’s why I refuse to kill sheep as gurjaras and why I always utilize eles or fast imping as malay
Yes, Bohemians with chemistry in castle age, because you can play aggressive as an archery civ, but safer than any other, because you can one-shot mangonels and kts with +30 xbows
Always yes.
I never use something I can’t fully upgrade
I use the Lithuanians and I go hard on Leitis’. 60 of them after I’ve grabbed a few Relics can go up against just about anything.
I need to work on using Monks more though.
Right now I use them, but pretty sparingly.
Mostly just to heal units on the go.
I make a lot if trash as Burgundians, when they are not the civ’s strong suit (only halbs is FU).
Eco go brrr.
Still haven’t figured out how to beat cav archers civs with them.
No, your civ’s strengths in a vacuum don’t have any value.
I focus on what my civ can do (not necessarily its strongest option) that the opponent’s civ can counter the less.
If Spanish maybe trash to gunpowder.
So technically lack of special units is possible.
if it’s an infantry civ no.
if not, yes.
Why would you, knowingly, not focus on your civ’s strengths if given the opportunity?
Yep, magyar 20 pop scout rush all day.