Are There Suggestions For Someone New To Age Of Empires 2 Who Previously Played Age Of Empires 3?

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  • #15061

    I recently started playing Age of Empires 2 and I’m looking for some tips.

    I haven’t found a civilization I like playing yet, so I’ve been playing random ones.

    I understand the concept of unit counters, though it doesn’t seem to be as strong in this game as it is in Age of Empires 3.

    I’m also not used to the limited bonus damage and the inaccuracy of ranged units, especially hand cannoneers whose bullets seem to move slower than stones thrown from a sling.


    Thumbring tech from archery range makes units more accurate and fire faster.

    Ballistics from university makes arrows hit moving targets.

    Gunpowder units dont benefit from these and miss alot for balancing purposes.


    Make walls.

    Just keeping making vills up to 130-140.

    Get your blacksmith upgrades

    Always say GL Hf and GG


    More production buildings is needed and expanding base is important.

    Cavalry is stronger comparitively in aoe2 from castle age and onwards.


    While the mill in AoE 3 is quite expensive, you always use it in AoE 2 as early as possible.

    Ballistics in the University makes units fire where targets will go.

    Castles in AoE 2 are significantly stronger than Forts in AoE 3

    There’s no protection zone for your first Town Center


    You can’t afford to just switch the resource the majority of your vils are working on on the drop of a hat in aoe2.

    Tech/strategy switches are more gradual, especially early game there isn’t much difference to the macro.

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