Are There Any Kits That Include Wood for Walling?

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  • #11489

    Building walls in Archery Bo is not the same as using wood, and it requires more resources.

    Despite this, I still find myself needing wood to construct farms or walls.


    You don’t have to fully wall if you’re going archers, resource or small walls do the job, same with skirms which you have 2 ranges to make skirms from.

    Also most builds have wiggle room for walling, so yes it’s included in the build.


    I think the 4 on wood orders have it covered but not sure.

    I’m an 800 elo shitter


    how early do u wall?


    It might help to think in terms how much does a wall cost?

    A farm is 20 would tiles.

    An archer is 5 would tiles.

    If your wall technique is to place long walls all at once consider placing no more than 10 at a time so you don’t tie up too much wood in walls that won’t get build right away.


    All build orders more or less include wood for walling, if you start walling mid Feudal.

    Early on wood is tight and if you wall, you will not get houses or the mill on time.

    In mid Feudal all wood you spend on walling “just” means later farms.

    For scout builds this means you can start (full) wall after building the stable, because from there on it’s “make a farm once you have 60 wood”.

    For archer builds it’s a bit tighter due to archer production costing wood as well (and you need an early blacksmith), which is another reason why you usually prefer to smallwall with that build.


    I spectated a high ELO game where one player put 5-6 villies on wood so he had enough to go hard, early barracks and stable + house walls

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