Are the Dravidians a Poor Civilization?

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  • #7319

    Sounds to me like a skill diff.

    Dravs have seen a solid amount of tournament play and have been fairly potent there.

    Solid mid tier civ, unlike Goths who are bottom tier at every map bar Socotra and maybe Fortress.


    Dravidian are a better civ than goths.

    Their post imp halbs and skirms are the best trash combo.

    Due to ignore armour, Dravidian halb can kill a huscarl at 7 hits whereas huscarl can kill halb with 5 hits.

    It’s never cost effective for the goth player to use huscarls against halbs.

    However, urumi or even champion will just shread goths quite easily.

    Pair them with their faster firing skirms and bbc, goths have very few answers to that .


    Overall they are one of the weakest civs, but in certain scenarios they feel OP.

    Like when playing against a civ like Goths.

    And against an archer civ like Britons (it can be tricky, but if you play it right Dravidians can be pretty good in this matchup).

    And if you could drag the game to imp on water maps, against a civ that doesn’t get good fireships, there is no way they’re beating you on water.


    Urumi swordsmen are one of the best infantry units in the game.

    If you’re up against Goths on a land map, you should make that unit your goal.

    Either you shred your opponent’s infantry, or you force Goths to play away from their strengths, in which case you can probably win because you’ll have much better ranged units.

    Generally speaking, I don’t think Dravidians are in serious need of a buff.

    They’re not great on closed land maps*, and they might struggle in some open land map matchups.

    But their wood bonus is very good for getting early advantages and playing aggressive on open maps.

    That same wood bonus + the dock population bonus + fishing ship bonus make them elite on Nomad and any water map.

    My current feelings are that Dravidians are the most misunderstood civ.

    They’re capable of doing a lot more than the community seems to give them credit for.

    We just haven’t figured out how to do everything with them yet.

    Lack of mobility is their biggest weakness for sure.

    *Edit: Actually, I’ve never really tried anything with them on closed maps.

    I’d be interested in seeing what they’re capable of on Arena.

    They definitely don’t have the eco or military options to be top tier.

    But the wood bonus is useful anywhere, and lack of mobility is somewhat neutralized on a map like Arena.

    I’m thinking a Urumi + skirm + siege deathball would be tough to stop for most civs.


    Did you get wootz steel?


    Urumi eat goth for breakfast.

    And your elephant archers eat up their crossbow, so does skirmishers, especially your even more powerful ones.

    You have an eco bonus, they don’t.

    Meaning on arena you will be ahead.

    Even your post-imp army is stronger than theirs, Urumi + skirmishers would be unkillable by goth.

    Or, if you don’t wanna rely on castles – go full champion with wootz steel.

    They might be more expensive than theirs, but they will shred anything goth can make.

    The upgrades are also easier to get into due to their cheaper cost.

    Not to rag too much on you, but this specific matchup is heavily in favor of Dravidians.

    You did not lose due to the civ.


    its lackluster on land maps, thats true, but the specific situation you described sounds irritating.

    No civ in the game gets away with making crossbows against Goths, and eventhough Urumi Swordsmen have their weaknesses against everything ranged, they actually clap Goth’s infantry…


    I mean yeah it’s not a great civ but Goths is worse, you lost because of you not because of the civ.



    Urumi shreds goths badly

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