Are Dravidians Still in Need of Improvement?

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    I think that the Dravidians could use some improvements to their land army in order to make them more competitive.

    Their Unique Tech Medical Corps could be revised to give them better armor and Parthian Tactics, which could make their Battle Elephants and Ele Archers more effective.

    Additionally, the Thirisidai could be better used in a different way to make the navy more powerful.

    Despite their strong navy, the Dravidians still lack in land performance, making them a less desirable choice than the Vikings in naval games.


    iI think the Dravidians are a really strong civ in Feudle age and they have a pretty strong (Though vary slow) Late game.

    I do think they could use a minor Castle age buff tho, Dravidians literarily cannot counter Skirmisher Knight combo in Castle age.


    They’re not marked as an archer civ …

    but they’re a better archer civ than Vikings.

    FU Arbs, with thumb ring, and FU+ Skirms.

    That, and a complete siege workshop (minus siege engineers, but at least with all the units).


    If you really want them buffed, seige engineers would be nice, but to be honest they are pretty decent already, but a bit awkward to play.


    They do not need a buff.

    They are a regular tournament pick and they have multiple very strong 1v1 matchups, particularly Wootz Steel is a killer late game vs armour-reliant civs like Teutons or Bulgarians.


    If we go by historicity, the Tamil kingdoms spent a fuck ton of money importing horse and training cavalry.

    So perhaps make knights a thing but with adjusted food to gold ratio?


    Anyone saying that they don’t need a buff hasn’t played them enough.

    Simple as that.


    I think maybe just blood lines and/or a better defensive or naval castle age ut would be good, right now they can’t really do much castle age raiding because their archers just die to mangos and scorpions, and better elephant archers doesn’t help because elephant archers are elephants.

    Though you could argue for a naval nerf.


    Maybe they could just get Knights and Husbandry (no Cavalier)?

    Indian armies (except Bengalis) used plenty of heavy cavalry anyway so I don’t see why not.

    That would be the simplest way.

    Or perhaps a new bonus of “Battle Elephants are affected by infantry technologies”? + Husbandry and they’d have faster than normal, discounted Battle Elephants, which would be pretty decent.

    Whatever the case I’d like to see Battle Elephant cost changed to 90f, 85g.

    Maybe we could also see the introduction of some generic Castle Age techs for whatever elephant civs need them, one giving Battle Elephants more speed and another providing maybe 15% resistance to bonus damage?


    I think people should actually try to figure out how to play Ele Archers (and Longswords) first and find out how strong a Siege-Urumi comp can be before changing anything.

    They’re far from unusable, they got clear options for all situations and Urumis are literally the strongest melee-v-melee unit in the game, so I would say, give them a bit more time.


    I think they need some kind of eco upgrade.

    Stonewall cheaper, two workers can work on one farm or stonemining upgrade.

    They are strong in mid to late feudal which is too late to kill anybody and don’t get good again until late imp.

    So if you don’t want them to have cav give them something to defend until imp

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