Archers Had Very Little Action on the First Day of NAC

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    The battle seems to center around using cavalry and pikes.

    It appears that the current preferred strategy is limited to using archers from the feudal era and knights, camels, pikes, and monks.


    There’s a number of very open maps that favor cavalry, and closed maps that favor monk light cav.

    Not a great environment for archers.

    But you can always count on Liereyy to bring some, even with Gurjaras, apparently.


    did we watch the same tournament?

    first set: Yo v Nicov
    Arabia: Yo (Aztecs) opens Archers, then switches into eagles when he sees skirmishers.

    Hippo Arena: Nicov (Cumans) played imperial xbow (!!) + step lancers vs halb monk siege
    Frigid Lake: both players open archers
    Golden Swamp: Yo (Vikings) opens Maa archers.

    this game then mainly turned into a water battle
    Kawasan was mostly fought on the water in the beginning with very little military in general.


    you watched viinchester vs tatoh gurjara vs mayan games vinchester played crossbow in late castle against skirmisher + shirvamshas + scorpians thats insane


    Partly due to the maps and settings being played.

    But the xbow cost increase definitely reduced their popularity.


    9 vil start


    Yeah for the most part knights are top dog in the meta right now unless it’s a closed map.

    That’s why you also see a lot of camels and monks.

    Archers pretty much need either defensive play with walls or just bigger numbers to be their most effective.

    At that high level, pros don’t give each other enough time to really be able to mass and upgrade arbs, and xbows just aren’t as strong as knights in castle age.


    Run and gun, Metal Slug(fest) style.


    Xbow seems to be pretty solid opening against “camel centered civs” (Liereyy using them against Hindustanis for example), but against pure knight civs they are only really interesting if you have camels yourself and want to get a counter to pikes.

    You can clearly see that nobody wants to run with an “archer civ” into a full knight civ, with meso being the exception.

    Cav is meta now, but thanks to the civ-variety (lots of decent camel-civs), there is still a lot of variation.


    Yeah, archers are just bad.

    They got nerfed to the ground.

    No surprise.

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