Anybody Else Got a Permanent Ban without Reason?

  • This topic has 28 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by Comprehensive_Bake18.
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  • #19812

    While playing a game with friends, the author received a message on their screen saying they were suspended from multiplayer services.

    They contacted AOE support and were informed that they had been permanently banned from multiplayer services for violating the Code of Conduct, which prohibits racism, sexism, harassment, bullying, cheating, griefing, toxicity, and leaving games early.

    However, upon review, the author could not identify any violations, except for leaving a few games early due to teammate disconnection.

    The author is frustrated with the lack of transparency regarding the ban and feels that their money was taken for no reason.

    They ask if anyone else has experienced a similar issue.

    The author updated the post to report that their ban was lifted.


    Maybe u/Felizon can help you.

    You should consider posting your issue on the tech support channel of aoe2 of official discord.

    Felizon is very active there.


    Sorry this has happened to you.

    Have you tried doing the family account thing?


    I know there is some person that is very toxic (really heavy taunting and trashtalk), they don’t receive instant permanent ban but frequent temp ban (can go to 200+ hours of banning).

    Either you have did something extremely toxic, but after I read the whole post and assume you are innocent, then you might be a victim of dev manual ban.

    You played with a dev, they did not like you -> banned.

    There is no way the ban system give you permanent ban without going through all of that.

    I don’t know how AOE2 DE allow you to report someone you have never play with.

    Is it some kind of exploit?


    * Hope leaving early is leaving within the first 5 minutes of in-game time.
    * Half of this can be avoided if people could **pick any map in ranked games.**
    * Even if your teammate leaves, if it is very early, delete all vils and buildings instead of alt+f4


    Would you mind giving us tour in game name?

    I would like to check out your stats


    I already find it dumb enough that exists a permanent ban for anything other than cheating.

    This just means you can be banned for whatever reason they can come up with.

    And c’mon, 95% of people who play this game are adults, are we really banning for chatting?


    Best guess is you probably said some toxic shit in chat.

    Maybe it’s unjustified, idk.


    Hey man, i find it super hard to believe everything you are saying in the replies is the truth, after all, no one gets banned out of the blue, especially a permaban.

    Now, giving the benefit of the doubt, if you are truely in the 1% that has gotten banned unfairly, and are not lying here, in the hopes for a dev to see and get you unbanned. (Which doesn’t happen).

    I recommend the following, you keep at em emailing them, post on the forums, claiming you believe it is a bug, and pester them to review your case, which they probably did not do.

    Tell them people reviewed your replay’s and nothing’s amis, demand a motive and a human review of your case.

    Its exhausting work, and it takes time, for real, but it worked for me in the past in another game.


    r/aoe2 is still flailing about, trying to punish anyone who dips on non-Arabia maps, with no regard for who gets hurt in the process.

    They’ll blame you, but in reality, it’s their own stupid policy that caused this to happen.

    You have my condolences.


    OP shit talked too much


    There’s one thing I’ve learned In gaming.

    These kind of threads are always made by innocent people, and it’s always outrageous because they were just reading a book, donating to charity or the likes.

    I’ve seen devs call these out as “well, he was also using map and drophack”.

    Once a guy was also extremely active in a botting reddit, asking for advice for botting the game.

    I’m going to take these with a grain of salt, not saying op is guilty.

    But there’s a good chance he’s guilty.


    I bet you did say something racist


    Bro I followed your entire saga and I’m glad for the resolution.

    Feeling relieved about that!

    But just want to say, this is also exactly why best practice is to **mute toxic players and finish the game without drama**.

    Our community doesn’t need drama in any form; it’s the second worst thing to toxicity and stokes the fires in a way that doesn’t help anybody.


    Hey everybody, they finally reviewed my account and lifted the ban today!

    u/TWestAoe thank you for your help sir!

    Told y’all I was innocent! 11

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