Ai Is Also Known As Elo.

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  • #22472

    AI rank varies greatly depending on the playstyle and tactics you use against it.

    You can beat extreme AI at 700 elo using towers, but if you have a defensive playstyle, it can beat you at 1200.

    It’s very hard to get a 1:1 range because there is so much variance from player to player.

    Generally, based on what I’ve read from the many variants of this type of thread over the last year:

    Extreme: 1100

    Hardest: 1000

    Hard: 900

    Moderate: 650

    Standard: 400

    Though your mileage will very likely vary.


    The AI on extreme will play more cleanly than a 1000 player would, but it also break easily and doesn’t know how to react.

    It might be able to pull a maa timing pretty nicely and spend 2 minutes attacking a random house.

    The moment you show up in their base with 4 crossbowmen it will start garrisoning and ungarrisoning their villagers ten times per second.

    You either play against the ai if you are really a beginner or to practice build orders.

    Edit: let’s say this, if you want to be comfortable with starting ranked, get a nice easy build order (I suggest either 20 pop scouts scouts, 20 pop 1 range or 21 pop 2 range archers) and try it a few times until you feel you are consistent and without much idle tc time.

    If you can do that you will be able to face 1000 elo players without much trouble.

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