Age of Empires Emerges for Xbox

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  • #14175

    We noticed that on the Xbox version of the game, each map has 8 different colored plots.

    We want to play a 2v2 against the AI, but we can’t figure out how to spawn to our respective locations if we choose a color.

    Does anyone know how we can pick our spawn points?


    If you pick the same team and check the box of ‘team positions’ you should spawn next to each other.

    Aoe doenst have fixed spawn locations.

    For example, p1 (blue) isn’t always on the same spot in a map with 8 players.

    The is something called flank or pocket position which you can chose by picking the right color.

    But thats only in 3v3 or 4v4.

    Because in 2vX their is no pocket.

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